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Май, 2024

Скачать Fractal Tune Smithy v.2.42.4 download


Размер файла: 3 MB
Операционная система: windows
Русский интерфейс: Нет
Лицензия: Shareware
Рейтинг: 0
Просмотров/Скачиваний: 319/8

Эта программа позволяет генерировать мелодии изаписывать их в виде MIDI.По крайней мере, я так понял.Можно задавать кучу параметров, возможно, пригодится музыкантам :) Plays tunes as intricate as snowflakes.Choose one and transform it by varying the parameters to make it into your own tune.You can save the tunes in MIDI file format e.g.for background music for web pages, and send them as musical e-cards.Includes authentic tunings from the SCALA archive for Early music, Jazz, Indian music, gamelans, ethnic tunings, and many tunings invented more recently.Make your own scales in hertz, cents or ratios notation.Many retuning features of interest to composers, musicians, and microtonalists. - tonic shifts; legato monophonic playing in any tuning (if you have it in equal temperament); explore the musical geometry scales of Erv Wilson; apply separate tunings to regions of midi keyboard or midi in parts; mouse theremin; polyrhtythm metronomes...You can play in any of the tunings from your p.c.keyboard as well as a music keyboard.Some such as the Japanese Koto scale are particularly good for improvisation - anything you play sounds good!
